
Seth Meyers: Sleepy Trump’s Lawyers Can’t Keep Him Awake in Court; Trump’s Chilling Time Interview

9Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus
just now
Perhaps the most important development in historiography is the admission by current historians that no historian is without bias. The programmers of these LLMs may think they can escape forging biases into their products... but they are wrong.

Another Excellent Tiny Desk Concert: WILLOW

187Randall Gross
44 minutes ago
Recommend everyone watch the latest Chris Hayes segment, we are getting wrapped around the issue by talking about the protesters and their treatment ahead of the issue itself. Which is the progromit (Old Russian - to destroy through violence) of ...

Colbert: Trump Judge: Jail May Be Necessary | Students Should Be Allowed To Protest | Blankenship For Senate

126Joe Bacon ✅
4 hours ago
re: #62 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈 Since these takeovers, party leadership has engaged in egregious unethical and corrupt behavior, has maligned libertarians across the world, and misused donor funds. One year E.P. and Dorothy Thompson were visiting professors ...